Do you have hair growing in unwanted places? If so, you are not alone. Unwanted hair is a fairly common problem, with a few potential solutions. For decades, waxing and shaving were the only options, and while these methods work, they can also be time-consuming and painful. Furthermore, their results are all too temporary. A better option is laser hair removal, which can allow you to put away the wax and the razor for the long term. Dr. Gandolfi and his aesthetic team are here to help you determine the best treatment for your goals and skin type.

What is Laser Hair Removal, and How Does it Work?
Laser hair removal is a procedure intended to eliminate unwanted hair from target treatment areas. It is a safe, FDA-approved, and non-invasive procedure. By non-invasive, we mean that it does not require you to have any incisions made.
Laser hair removal uses a process known as selective photothermolysis, where the heat from the laser destroys cells that have a higher level of pigment. Because hair has a lot of pigment, it absorbs that heat. The heat energy is then transferred down to the hair follicles, destroying them from the inside out and ensuring that no more hair will grow.
What are the Benefits?
Some of the primary advantages of laser hair removal include:
- The results last a lot longer than shaving, waxing, or plucking.
- Patients report little or no pain during laser hair removal.
- Laser hair removal reduces your risk for ingrown hairs.
- Laser hair removal can be used to target any number of body parts.
Most Popular Areas to Get It
With laser hair removal, you can choose to target and eliminate hair from almost any part of your body. One of the most popular areas to have laser hair removal performed is on the face, specifically unwanted hair on the chin or the mustache area. Other common treatment areas include the underarms, back, legs, and bikini area.
What Other Areas of My Body Can I Get Laser Hair Removal?
- Toes
- Feet
- Stomach
- Buttocks
- Arms
So, Is Laser Hair Removal Ideal for Me?
It is Ideal For…
- Men and women who wish to remove unwanted hair from their face or body.
- Those who wish to put their waxing, shaving, and plucking days behind them.
- Those who have dark, coarse hair.
- Patients who are in good physical health overall.
- Those who have realistic expectations about what laser hair removal can achieve.
It is Not so Great For…
- Patients whose hair is light or fine.
- Women who are pregnant or nursing.
- Anyone seeking to remove unwanted hair close to the eyes.
What if I Am Pregnant?
While there is no clear evidence showing that laser treatments are dangerous for pregnant women, we still recommend that you hold off on laser hair removal.
How Old Do I Have to Be to Get Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal can be performed on patients as young as 14 years old.
All About the Laser Technology
Our practice uses best-in-class laser technology that is fully approved by the FDA to eliminate unwanted hair in a targeted and controlled way, as efficiently and as expediently as possible. We are committed to using advanced technology that provides optimal experiences and maximizes patient safety.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment Process Explained
What Should I Do in Preparation?
Before your laser hair removal appointment, we recommend bathing or showering to clean your body like normal, but refrain from putting on any lotion, perfume, or cosmetics. Your hair should be shaved that day in preparation for treatment.
How Long Do the Sessions Usually Last?
The length of your session will depend on the number of areas being treated, but most sessions last somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes.
What Does Laser Hair Removal Feel Like? Does it Hurt?
Most patients experience little or no pain during their treatment. When treating more delicate areas, we may recommend the use of a topical numbing agent to ensure comfort.
How Many More Treatments Will I Need After My Initial?
Most patients require multiple treatments. While the specific number varies from patient to patient, the average falls between four and six.
Other Things to Consider Before Getting Laser Hair Removal
Are There Any Risks Involved?
Most patients do not experience any adverse effects of their laser treatment. When there are side effects, they tend to be minor and temporary. These may include blistering, crusting, redness, and mild irritation.
What About Home Lasers? Are They as Effective?
While home lasers can sometimes produce results, they are not as powerful or effective as medical-grade lasers.
What is the Cost of Laser Hair Removal?
Costs can vary depending on the number of treatments needed. We are happy to provide you with a more personalized quote when you schedule your consultation.
Is it Really Worth It?
This is something you will need to decide for yourself, but most patients who have laser hair removal are extremely satisfied with their results.
Get Laser Hair Removal Treatment Today!
To learn more about laser hair removal, schedule an appointment with our friendly team at (212) 287-7211.